Bert Ydema was ruim 40 jaar natuuronderwijzer. In zijn boek "De Groene Hemel/ Kindertuinen" vertelt hij hoe je kinderen weer kan betrekken bij de natuur. De gezichten van de kinderen die les krijgen van Ydema spreken boekdelen.
Falling Upwards: Essays in Defense of the Imagination
Your new book, “Falling Upwards: Essays in Defense of the Imagination,” fortunately does not lack for logic or rhetoric, not to mention nuanced and witty considerations of everything from Dante to “Sex and the City.” Can you explain the title?
"Falling upwards is a physical impossibility, and anyone who works with the imagination is in the impossibility business. The other meaning is that what our dominant culture considers falling or failure is, in the realm of art making, often a triumph of character or spirit. For example, there is such a madness to become famous. Obscurity is the new poverty. People don’t seem able to bear being unknown. But obscurity and struggle are the artists’
Against The Machine: Being Human in the Age of the Electronic Mob